
Friday, March 22, 2013

China Glaze Infra Red


China Glaze Holographic koleksiyonunun en kırmızıya yakın ojesi Infra Red. Ama resimlerden de fark etmişsinizdir ki tam kırmızı değil - bayağı koyu bir pembe. Rengi çok hoş olmasına rağmen serinin holografik etkisi en zayıf ojelerinden biri diyebilirim.



Infra Red is the most reddish color from China Glaze's Holographic collection. As you can see from the pictures, it is not red but actually a really dark pink. Although its color is lovely, I have to say this is the one the polishes with the least holographic effect from this collection.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Now that Google Reader is no more...

What will we do?

Of course we still have Google Reader for a few more months but if you are fond of the blogs you read but don't remember any of their names like me, it is essential that you find a way to follow these blogs.

For all dear people who follow me on Google Friend, these are some suggestions on where to find me.

Bloglovin' - It feels like this webpage is many people's choice after Google Reader. Lately they even put an option to import all your blog feed from Google Reader which makes the transition all the more easier. You can group the blogs your follow easily. What is most different from Google Reader is that when you want to read your posts, Bloglovin directs you to the original webpage with an easy toolbar at the bottom. This is nice because you get to see the original blog and many blogs have nice backgrounds and sidebars. On the other hand, these things take time to load so reading posts like this takes more time than Google Reader.

Twitter - I always post links to my new posts on Twitter. You can always check there if you want. Of course this being my personal twitter account, there are many things non-polish related as well.

Tumblr - I have a Tumblr page for this blog and put at least one picture from each post there. Currently, it is only about nail polish with only one or two reblogs but I am planning on making that a kinda personal tumblr so there might be more non-polish related posts in the future.

Instagram - Yeah, similar to my Twitter account, this is my personal Instagram account so along with nail polish photos, there are many unrelated photos as well.

Pinterest - You can also check my nail polish photos on Pinterest. Good thing about Pinterest is that I have a separate board for my blog photos so if you don't want to see rest of the pins, you can follow just that board.

Email - There is a 'follow by email' option for this blog. I haven't tried it so I'm not sure if it works but since it is a blogger gadget, I believe it would work.

You can find links to all these accounts on the left sidebar. If you have any other questions, you know you can always email me.

See you ~~

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

China Glaze Sci-Fly By


China Glaze Holographic serisinden bir diğer mavi tonu karşınızda - ve sanırım serinin en sevdiğim rengi olabilir. Bebek mavisi bu ojede holografik efekt çok daha belirgin ve harika görünüyor.



Another blue tone from China Glaze Holographic is here - and this might be my favorite. This baby blue has more holographic effect and looks gorgeous.

Monday, March 4, 2013

China Glaze Strap on Your Moonboots


Bir aylık sessizlikten sonra bahalık ojelerimi aldım ve hemen ilkini sürerek karşınızdayım. China Glaze'in yeni holografik serisini biliyorsunuzdur - bu da oradan en beğendiğim renklerden biri. Strap on Your Moonboots gri-lacivert tonlarında holografik bir oje. Sürümü pek de rahat diyemem ama bir kaç kez daha denedikten sonra bu konuda son kararımı vereceğim.

Bu yeni holografik seri ile bir kaç yıl öncenin OMG serisini kıyaslarsak - bu ojeler OMG kadar holografik değiller ve o nedenle kendini o kadar da göstermiyorlar. Fakat bu tabi ki kötü göründükleri anlamına gelmiyor.

Hangi holografik oje kötü görünür ki!



After a month of silence, I am back with my spring polishes. This is the first one, China Glaze Strap on Your Moonboots. This was one of my favorite colors of China Glaze's new holographic collection - a grey-dark blue toned holo. I truthfully can't say its appliance was easy but I will give my final decision after a few more tries.

As for comparing this new holographic series with OMG - these polishes have less holographic effect than OMG so they are also not as striking. Of course that doesn't mean these polishes are bad-looking.

Can there be a bad-looking holo polish?